Erection of two three-storey dwellings (Application Refused September 2020)
This Planning Application (20/02002/F) seeks permission to demolish the existing dwelling and build two new three storey 8-bedroom, 16-bedspace dwellings - including basement excavation, attached garages, roof terraces and revised access.
This latest proposal follows the Withdrawal of one previous Application (17/01132/F) in April 2017 for a new 5-bedroom dwelling alongside the existing dwelling and the Granting of two previous Applications: (17/02932/F) in August 2017 for the erection of a new 4-bedroom dwelling alongside the existing dwelling and (18/01154/F) in May 2018 to sub-divide the existing detached dwelling into a pair of semi-detached 4-bedroom dwellings.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 24 June 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 10 July 2020.
UPDATE! (1 September 2020) Planning Permission was Refused. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded that the development represented “an over-scaled and incongruous addition to this part of Canford Lane that fails to respect or complement the predominant scale, form or architectural styles of surrounding developments which is to the detriment of the character of the established street scene”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
Currently, there is an extant Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/21/3286803) against Refusal of an Application (21/02002/F) for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the (self-build) construction of two dwelling houses.
However, a new Application (22/03807/F) has been submitted that proposes a change of use for the existing 5-bedroom residence to a stroke rehabilitation facility. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 21 September 2022, with a "Determination Deadline" of 14 October 2022.
UPDATE! (25 October 2022) The Appeal against the refusal for the demolition and subsequent construction of two new dwellings was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 24 October 2022. However, the Application for change of use is currently awaiting a decision.
UPDATE! (5 January 2023) The Application for a change of use was Granted on 5 January 2023. However, the Planning Officer included a "Post Occupation Management" restriction: “Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and/or re-enacting that Order) the premises shall only be used for the purposes specified in the application and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class C2 on the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or any provision equivalent to that Class in any Statutory Instrument revoking and/or re-enacting that Order).
Reason: This use only is permitted and other uses, either within the same Use Class, or permitted by the Town and Country Planning (GPD) Order 2015 are not acceptable to the Local Planning Authority in this location because of potential impacts to residential amenity"
This latest proposal follows the Withdrawal of one previous Application (17/01132/F) in April 2017 for a new 5-bedroom dwelling alongside the existing dwelling and the Granting of two previous Applications: (17/02932/F) in August 2017 for the erection of a new 4-bedroom dwelling alongside the existing dwelling and (18/01154/F) in May 2018 to sub-divide the existing detached dwelling into a pair of semi-detached 4-bedroom dwellings.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 24 June 2020 with a "Determination Deadline" of 10 July 2020.
UPDATE! (1 September 2020) Planning Permission was Refused. In summary, the Planning Officer concluded that the development represented “an over-scaled and incongruous addition to this part of Canford Lane that fails to respect or complement the predominant scale, form or architectural styles of surrounding developments which is to the detriment of the character of the established street scene”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
Currently, there is an extant Appeal (APP/Z0116/W/21/3286803) against Refusal of an Application (21/02002/F) for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the (self-build) construction of two dwelling houses.
However, a new Application (22/03807/F) has been submitted that proposes a change of use for the existing 5-bedroom residence to a stroke rehabilitation facility. The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 21 September 2022, with a "Determination Deadline" of 14 October 2022.
UPDATE! (25 October 2022) The Appeal against the refusal for the demolition and subsequent construction of two new dwellings was Dismissed by the Planning Inspector on 24 October 2022. However, the Application for change of use is currently awaiting a decision.
UPDATE! (5 January 2023) The Application for a change of use was Granted on 5 January 2023. However, the Planning Officer included a "Post Occupation Management" restriction: “Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and/or re-enacting that Order) the premises shall only be used for the purposes specified in the application and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class C2 on the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or any provision equivalent to that Class in any Statutory Instrument revoking and/or re-enacting that Order).
Reason: This use only is permitted and other uses, either within the same Use Class, or permitted by the Town and Country Planning (GPD) Order 2015 are not acceptable to the Local Planning Authority in this location because of potential impacts to residential amenity"