Erection of a two-storey dwellings (Application Refused September 2020)
This Planning Application (20/03025/F) seeks permission to erect a 2-storey, 2-bedroom, dwelling attached to the existing detached dwelling. A previous Planning Application in 2013 (13/02322/F), for the removal of an existing side extension and the erection of a detached two storey dwelling to accommodate two 2-bedroom self-contained flats, was refused. The grounds for refusal highlighted the poor design and the overdevelopment of the site.
The closing date for the receipt of comments by BCC's Planners is 2 September 2020, with a "Determination Deadline" of 22 September 2020.
UPDATE! (24 September 2020) Planning Permission was Refused. In summary, one of the Planning Officer’s principal grounds for refusal was “The position and design of the house would lead to a poor quality design response for the site, failing to respect the overall design and character of the host building, its curtilage and the broader street scene. This in turn would impact negatively on the street scene as it would go against the established pattern and character of development in the vicinity”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.
UPDATE! (24 September 2020) Planning Permission was Refused. In summary, one of the Planning Officer’s principal grounds for refusal was “The position and design of the house would lead to a poor quality design response for the site, failing to respect the overall design and character of the host building, its curtilage and the broader street scene. This in turn would impact negatively on the street scene as it would go against the established pattern and character of development in the vicinity”. However, the Applicant has six months to lodge an Appeal against the decision. Full details for the refusal are given in the Planning Officer's Report, which is included in the "Documents" section of the Application.