Response to Planning Application for 329 Canford Lane

8 Southdown Road
Westbury on Trym
12 January 2022

Dear Mr Fisher

Planning Application 21/05995/F: 329 Canford Lane

The Society was surprised to see yet another planning application for development of this prominent piece of open garden land on Canford Lane.
Whilst the houses to the west have breached the green open frontage that once existed, to provide hard parking areas, this is no reason to develop over the original corner amenity space that we understand was sold to a previous occupier of 329 Canford Lane. The proposed building would be extremely prominent with its curved frontage as it breaches the building line. It would be incongruous in the form proposed with a flat roof, which from the drawings exceeds the eaves levels of the nearby houses. The proposed white rendered finish would make the buildings even more prominent. Whilst the adjoining house on one side may have rendered elevations, this is actually discordant with the original brick elevations of the remaining ex- police houses on Canford Lane. The notion set out in the Design and Access Statement that ‘the elevations are designed to create a strong rhythm with the rest of the street, through the use of uniform windows’ is not credible.
Because a flat roof is proposed, the solar panels that are included to meet sustainability requirements will stand out on the roofs as they will have to be tilted to respond to the angle of the sun.
The beech hedge would be breached in two places to provide frontage parking, which would also detract from the street scene. We consider that, as before the proposal fails with regard to Bristol Local Plan policy DM 21 (Development of Private Gardens) in that it would give rise to significant harm to the character of the street and to the character and appearance of the area. It fails with regard to policy DM 26 (Local Character and Distinctiveness) and policy DM 27 (Layout and form) as it fails to respect the height, form, shape and massing of nearby housing.

For the reasons given above, the Society considers the application should be refused.

Yours sincerely
A C Renshaw MRTPI
For the Westbury on Trym Society